For my next gift idea I'm going to show you guys my version of a family rules print, subway art style. There are all kinds of subway art prints and family rules prints out there. I think subway art is a lot of fun because you can really personalize it to fit whatever occasion and it's really graphic. I had recently downloaded a bunch of new fonts and was inspired to make this as a way to try them all out. I just LOVE how it turned out! What a fun way to display all our family rules, now if only I could get my kids to follow them....
What mom wouldn't love getting one of these for Christmas? And its very affordable too. The print itself is a 12x12 so you can have it printed anywhere that prints scrapbook pages. I had mine printed at Scrapping Simply and it cost about $6.00, most of that shipping. If you have a local resource you could do it a lot cheaper.
The frame was an unfinished scrapbook page frame from Micheal's and cost $7 (without any coupons). To finish it I painted it blue with craft paint, distressed it, and then put a coat of wood stain over the top. All of which I had on hand. Isn't the finish dreamy? (I have a dresser in the garage waiting for some love and I thinks its going to get this same finish.)
And then because I felt like it needed a little extra something, I added a few ribbon roses.
So for under $15, I have this adorable piece of art for my home. Can't beat that! I'm not sure where its going to live yet, but I'll find somewhere perfect... and visible... we need all the reminders we can get!
So do you want one? You can either make your own family rules sign to fit your family, or you can have mine! Because I love you all so much, I made up a bunch with different background colors. All you have to do is click on the one you like, save it, and then have it printed as a 12 x 12 somewhere, frame and you are done.

If anyone decides to use one of these, I'd love to see a picture!
Linking to these parties and events: