Sunday, November 07, 2010

Scrumptious Sunday- Candied Yams

It has been awhile since I have done an installment of Scrumptious Sunday and since Thanksgiving is around the corner I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorite holiday dishes.  Now, I am a big fan of the yam.  I have never met a yam I didn't like.  That being said, I have never met a yam I liked more then my Mom's Candied Yams.  (And I'm sure she got the recipe from her Mom, who got it from her Mom, and so forth.)  So here it is.

Candied Yams

Now if that isn't a picture of Thanksgiving, I don't know what is!

Serves 4-6  (you will probably want to double this recipe)
1 lg. can cut Yams (or sweet potatoes), drained
1 8oz can crushed pineapple, loosely drained
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tbs yellow mustard
mini marsh mellows

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Put yams into a casserole or baking dish.  In a separate bowl combine pineapple, brown sugar, and mustard to form a sauce.  Pour over yams and baked covered for 20 min. or until bubbly.  Remove cover, top with marsh mellows and bake until browned.  This only takes a couple of minutes so watch closely so you don't burn your marsh mellows!  Enjoy!


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