Monday, July 23, 2012

Mail Orgainizer (Guest posting for the Wood Connection) and a GIVEAWAY!!!!

Hey Everyone!  I'm so excited today because I am guest posting for The Wood Connection!

When I was asked to guest post it didn't take me long to figure out what I wanted to do.  You see, I am about 22 weeks preggo now and I'm on a bit of an organization kick.  I'm trying to taking advantage of the desire while it lasts!  So I looked around my home and my eyes found the pile of bills that always sits on the counter and I knew that was it.  My mail needed a home!

So I headed over to The Wood Connection and explained what I had in mind.  These people are amazing!  Within 15 minutes I was headed home with exactly what I had envisioned.  I also had to take a trip to Joann's to pick out some fabric but that part is always super fun!

A few hours later I had this.....  it turned out just as I had envisioned and is just what I needed!

I just love it!  The top pocket is sized to fit bills and letters, and the lower one is for a few magazines or catalogs.  It hangs on the back of my door so that I can stash the mail as I walk it.

It was a lot of fun to make and was really easy.  You can go here for the full tutorial.

But that's not it!  We are doing a GIVEAWAY!!!

The Wood Connection has so kindly offered to give one of YOU a $25 gift certificate to their store!  They are located in Salt Lake City, Utah so whoever wins will have to be able to get to their store to use it.  They have some of the cutest wood craft kits and everything is all ready to go, making it super fun and easy to spit out some cute creations!


To Enter

 Leave me a comment on this post!  (that's it, super easy right?!)

Extra Entries  (leave a comment here for each one you do)

-Visit The Wood Connection Blog, look around, and let me know one of their crafts that you would love to make.

-Be a public follower of Sassy Sanctuary

-"Like" Sassy Sanctuary on Facebook.

Good Luck!!!


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