Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Here's the plan.

Okay peeps, I know this blog has seriously been lacking in anything creative for, oh, all summer.  But guess what, summer is officially over. My son started preschool this past week and I timed it to be during my 2 year olds nap.  This means I will get 2-3 three hours, 4 days a week to myself! (Hooray) While I can't promise that some of that time won't be spent cleaning my house... or more likely napping, I can promise that I'm pulling myself out of this creative rut. 

So here is my plan for this little old blog we have here.  1) Every week I'm going to post some sort of creative project, be it big or small.  I'm not limiting myself to a specific day, but I will try to post weekly.  2)  I have a great blog roll and read some really awesome blogs. (And my hubby and kids will tell you that I spend a lot of time doing it!) There is always things I come across and think, "That is so smart, I'm totally doing that!" and then I  forget all about it once the next great idea comes along. So I'm going to start doing a weekly feature post.  That way I can document the things I don't want to forget about, and you guys can see what is inspiring me. 3) I am going to continue doing Scrumptious Sunday when I have a recipe that is worth sharing, but it probably wont be weekly. 

So that's my plan,  2-3 posts a week.  Hopefully it will be enough to be interesting but also manageable.  And if I drop off the face of the blogging earth again, don't worry... I will be back!