Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Coupon Book

Now I realize that Father's Day was yesterday, so this doesn't do anyone any good, but there is always next year right? Unfortunately I am a terrible procrastinator so I didn't actually make this till the afternoon of the big event, but our Daddy had to work all day (poor guy) so he didn't know any difference.

Father's Day Coupon Book

I made this little print out using my scrap booking software. (Thanks to Summertime Designs for the awesome FREE graphics!)

Then I printed it on yellow card stock, cut them out, wrote out what the coupons were for, and stapled the whole thing together.

Easy peasy, and with coupons for "dinner of your choice" "free back massage" "help washing the car" and "hugs and kisses" he was pleased as punch!

Hope everyone had a great Father's Day!