Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Liam's Nursery

So you know how I had a baby?  Well that was over 18 months ago.  And he has a stinkin cute room that I never photographed or blogged about.  Because I suck.  But it got cleaned today so I decided to fix that.  It may only be iPhone pics, but whateves.

Liam's Little Lamb Nursery

I just love this shelf above the changing table.

Especially this little wooden lamb I made. I'm kinda proud of him.

But my favorite part is his newborn pics.

I have the cutest babies!

Monday, April 13, 2015

WYLTC- Spring 2015

Wood You Like to Craft is back with some Spring!!!  I'm sharing this....

Go check it out HERE.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Say what?!?

Did you realize that blogger has an app? You did?  Oh... I guess it's just me.

I was sitting here thinking how much I miss blogging, but I'm never on my computer anymore because I'm always on my phone.  And I take 99% of all pictures on my phone, and who has time to look for cords, and then sit in one spot.  Sigh.... (1st world problems) 

Then I thought, too bad I can't just blog from my phone so that I will actually write a blog post. (What a concept!)

Then I thought.... I bet blogger has already thought of this.  Then I checked the App Store.  And here I am.  Blogging. From. My. Phone.

In bed.

So ya.  Maybe I will start blogging again after all.

I've sure missed it!

And because no blog post is complete without a picture...

This is my excuse not much blogging.  

He has a birthday this month.  Babies grow too fast!

But ya.  I should blog.  I have lots to show you guys!