Sunday, March 08, 2015

Say what?!?

Did you realize that blogger has an app? You did?  Oh... I guess it's just me.

I was sitting here thinking how much I miss blogging, but I'm never on my computer anymore because I'm always on my phone.  And I take 99% of all pictures on my phone, and who has time to look for cords, and then sit in one spot.  Sigh.... (1st world problems) 

Then I thought, too bad I can't just blog from my phone so that I will actually write a blog post. (What a concept!)

Then I thought.... I bet blogger has already thought of this.  Then I checked the App Store.  And here I am.  Blogging. From. My. Phone.

In bed.

So ya.  Maybe I will start blogging again after all.

I've sure missed it!

And because no blog post is complete without a picture...

This is my excuse not much blogging.  

He has a birthday this month.  Babies grow too fast!

But ya.  I should blog.  I have lots to show you guys!